Elemental:Expanded Edition (E:EE) is going to be a mod that expands and changes the gameplay in Elemental to provide a deeper, more strategic game than the original.
While I have a ton of ideas for how the gameplay (as it stands now) in Elemental can be improved upon, the ultimate goal is to make the game more fun. While I will continue to post my suggestions for incorporation into the "Vanilla" version of the game, I would like to start getting a team together, so when Beta-5 comes around this summer we can immediately start work.
The initial version of E:EE will be to create a backbone version of the mod while sticking to the canon and lore of the Elemental universe. Essentially it will expand upon the game, creating more in-depth systems for everything from Quests, to Diplomacy, to Magic without altering the story (or at least altering it as little as possible) and vision that Stardock has worked so hard to prepare for us.
Once this initial version is complete and released to the public, this "base" mod can be used by other mods as a starting point for more comprehensive mods, as well as an expanded version of E:EE.
One of the key goals of the mod, is to make it modular. As different aspects of the mod are completed, they will be released independently for use in other mods.
If you've read any of my threads on Multi-Racial species, mount changes, terrain, etc. you have at least a general idea of where I am looking to go with E:EE. Other changes will include a re-work of the Magic system, expanded diplomacy, and major changes to the tech tree. That being said the goal of E:EE (as stated above) is to make the game more fun- If something doesn't work, or the majority of the dev team feels its a bad idea, than I'm all for changing it. I'm not here to be a leader per-say- this is going to be a community effort- I'm just here to keep the team communicating, and contribute as part of the team.
Right now I need everyone I can get on-board. We will need everything including:
texture guys
2-D artists
anything else you can think of
If you are planning on creating a mod yourself, you might want to consider getting onboard with E:EE - We plan to make it fully available to all modders to use as a base (and further modify as they see fit) for their own mods. Why should 2 people be working on the same task just because they are working on different mods?
UPDATE 1: I have registered a domain, and set up some basic hosting for the mod-site. Once everything is ready up-to-date information on the mod will be kept at https://www.elementalexpanded.com
UPDATE 2: Already generating some interest from a few of you
- I have launched a forum and a wiki for the project on the website above to help us track the mod. I'll have more stuff up for it later - for now I'm gonna go test some elemental!