This picture does look bad, but I'd really like to see a video or know what was being said at the moment. Although I'm critical of this president, he could be saying, "Hey, want to grab a danish?" or "I like your tie". Their are one, maybe two people smiling in the background, which tells me the conversation at the moment was not tense in nature. I would agree at the very least it is bad manners and he should be more careful.
Obama gives us plenty of valid reasons to be angry (like other elements of this very meeting). Let us not lose focus and set our sights on things that are not clear, factual, or overly trivial. I'll give Obama a pass on this one (not the the entire meeting, which I felt was a dressing down of an important ally, I can see where this photo lends to that outcome), if further evidence concerning the photo becomes available to prove otherwise, my opinion will change accordingly. I don't hate the man, I hate his policies and the direction I feel he is taking us.