lol its now 5 am, so i am not going to post tonight, prbly in the morning.
This mod looks rather interesting. Haven't really gotten to try it out yet, though I was able to help mrappard with his problems over at:
That was actually kinda fun. Learning a lot about lua:) Lemme know if either of you have any other problems.
Thats really nice mod (holy idol), and if mr rappard is working on something similar let me know how close you guys are getting and if you have it solved some time soon i will include it in the next release.
I got close to getting yours to work zechio, i could get the units to go throught the fire animation, just no projectile was produced. All i changed was the muzzle bone value.
Also if anyone has time i am trying to make these items. Wasted about 5 hours on them tonight.
1. Team Warp Structure. - Effectively portal scroll on .1 second cast, 18 range that teleports allied units in range (7)
2. Skeleton Key - As above.
Anyway, got 6 new items for next release so far, and might make another 1 or 2 before i upload.