Because a lot of crazy things can happen in a big galaxy....
There are six trillion stories in the Naked Galaxy. This is just one of them….
In the annals of the Naked Galaxy, it is said that even the lowliest denizen can be king for a day, probability being what it is in a galaxy of a hundred billion worlds. While the veracity of that statement has never been tested, historians did find a curious case of an outlying asteroid mining colony that suddenly found itself as the Versari solar capital of the Kadusar system.
Needless to say, Chief Facilitator (Third Class – certification pending) of the Chaonis Mining Camp - Quadrant 1446, Subsector 514, Greater Outlying Vasari Imperial Administrative District 73(a) - Sarga Umm was quite perturbed when he entered his diminutive office to examine the day’s mineral intake only to discover that his hypernet inbox contained 145,525 items, comprised of assorted missives, queries, summonings, petitions, requisitions, and martial demand authorizations from around the entire Kadusar System, which only befits the inbox of the new solar capital administrator of the new solar capital of Kadusar (as Umm discovered after reading Imperial Decree #1741, which fittingly sat atop the other 145,524 missives, queries, summonings, petitions, requisitions, and martial demand authorizations in his inbox). While we do not know what Sarga Umm’s exact reaction was upon this unpleasant discovery, we do know that a medical robotic response unit was summoned to his office at 2452 hours local by Umm’s drudge.
How a forgettable mining colony, in a forgettable sector of the Naked Galaxy, became the administrative hub of the entire Kadusar system is a cautionary lesson in bureaucratic extravagance. It seems that the various ministers, overlords, and plenipotents of Kadusar’s rightful administrative seat of Gromov, in a rush to pass that solar year’s authorization budget before adjourning for the annual Grakak ‘Or celebration, failed to notice that Title 14134, Subsection 1431(a), Addendum 142392 {redacted but not amended} specified that the Vasari seat of power will automatically devolve to the Chaonis Mining Camp - Quadrant 1446, Subsector 514, Greater Outlying Vasari Imperial Administrative District 73(a) - unless otherwise modified, altered, encoded or transcribed by the end of that calendar month. The reason for Title 14134, Subsection 1431(a), Addendum 142392 {redacted but not amended} was actually quite germane: in an effort to keep unity amongst the various Vasari Slaver Colony worlds, it was deemed appropriate that once a year the solar capital of Gromov be affirmed by the various ministers, overlords, and plenipotents in a display, but merely a display, of colonial unity. So as to proscribe any squabbling amongst the various ministers, overlords, and plenipotents, the most worthless, most miniscule colony was chosen as the alternate designated capital, thereby compelling the various ministers, overlords, and plenipotents to remain satisfied with Gromov’s august status. Unfortunately for the various ministers, overlords, and plenipotents of Gromov, this time there was a miswording in Title 14134, Subsection 1431(a), Addendum 142392 {redacted but not amended} that specified that the Chaonis Mining Camp would become the alternate designated capital unless otherwise modified, altered, encoded or transcribed by the end of that calendar month. This wording was contrary to the customary – and expected – wording that Gromov would remain the designated capital of the entire Kadusar system unless the Chaonis Mining Camp was designated by legislative modification, alteration, encoding or transcription. Hence, as a direct result of a grammatical error, compounded by bureaucratic haste, the Chaonis Mining Camp found itself quite literally king for a day.
But just a day, mind you, as the various ministers, overlords, and plenipotents of Gromov were brought, sometimes literally, kicking and screaming back into emergency session to accomplish two tasks: first, to rectify their mistake and affirm Gromov as the designated capital of the entire Kadusar system; and second, to designate a new body of ministers, overlords, and plenipotents to replace themselves with at the close of the emergency session, as per Imperial Vasari Diktat 124(c), reputedly issued directly from the mysterious Sojourner Alpha, the Jarrusul Evacuator – class warship that is the seat of all Vasari Imperial power in the Naked Galaxy.
There are six trillion stories in the Naked Galaxy. This has been just one of them….