Dear Emperor,
we are now in the year 1024.
Your empire spans 4 cities, Mulai the largest with 506 citizens and Xena the smallest with just 104.
We are currently at war with nobody and unfortunately also not allied with anybody.
Your monthly income is 278 gold and your major spending per month are 134gold for your army.
Currently there are some monsters near your town Garain, otherwise there are no enemies within or near our borders.
We expect to research cross bows within the next 6 months.
You will have to slaughter 12 more monsters to gain level 5.
Please remember: build a new city at (100,78), declare war on Acarion.
Sincerely your cancellor
So let me explain why I would find something like the above cool:
As I grow older (I know this happens from time to time) I spend less time in one gaming session then earlier in my live.
This has the result that I need a good way to get fast into the game, e.g. after one week of not playing it.
I never have seen such a nice report in any other game to get the most important information on just one screen.
All you basically need would be a comment field for the player to fill the last sentence "Please remember:".
Show´n would this report after loading the game.
Also interesting would be for e.g. ratings: you rated 88 in your military skill, were 112 is the average rating in the world (like you know from galactic civilizations).