I didn't vote for Bush. My reasons are well documented. I support my President. I want him to do well; I want him to show valiant leadership. I want him to bring the country closer together. I want him to see the errors in his ways and correct them. I want him to use his strengths to propel this country forward. My grand vision and his are not that different. We both want a strong, safe America. I think we might take different paths to attain that goal, but it's the same goal none the less.
I can't change the results of the election, and I'm not 100% convinced that an alternative result would be any better (or worse). So what I am left with is the HOPE that George Bush remembers his fathers promise of a kinder gentler nation, and finds the safest path possible through the storm that lies ahead.
That being said, there are no free rides. He has to earn my admiration, the way Reagan did, and Clinton. He doesn't have to be perfect, but he has to accomplish something. Perhaps that's my beef now that I sit here reflecting. He's done nothing in his 4 years of note. The economy has slowly sorted itself out, and I honestly think his initiatives stymied the economy and wreaked havoc on the deficit. He didn't do anything but react to what happened on September 11th. He did a great job of avoiding panic, and maintaining control, but I look back through history, and our greatest moments have not been militarily, with the possible exception of the revolutionary war. Yes the storming of Normandy was a courageous event that changed world history, and I certainly mean no disrespect to our soldiers, but diplomacy has been our finest hour.
I think with the restored nationalism and the mandate given by the people after 9-11 a great leader would have gotten more out of it. George Bush wasn't a great leader, but he didn't fall on his face. He squandered an opportunity to be held in the greatest regard. Rushmorian Grander was at hand, but instead he muddled through, reacting and retaliating. Instead of bringing what is truly great about this country - compassion, tolerance, strength and perseverance to the gathered global audience he brought vengeance, military might and imperialism. The American Image has been tarnished.