I think this inaguration is getting more hype than it should. It's not it's the first time we do this or it's any different. He's just another politician like any other and those who are of the opposing party ill not necessarily like him just like many Democrats didn't like Bush since day 1.
Aw come on Charles, if you or someone in your family, or friends, had something great happened to them, wouldn't you celebrate too, wouldn't you make a big deal out of it? In essense, the Democrats haven't been in the White House for 8 years, how fantastic for them that now they are! Despite the misgivings, the same as there were when "former President Bush won his second term. Give it up, and be happy, or say nothing, me thinks you're whining too much! 
I don't have "hope" that a Chicago politician will make my life better
First of all nobody can make your life better other than yourself.
Amen to that! "Anyone who waits on others to make their lives better, will be waiting forever!
I watched the same Dr. Phil. I didn't see them as incensed in the least. That's a very subjective viewpoint. They were asked questions and they answered. I didn't see any anger or angst on their part. They were very articulate and polite in their answers.
I didnt say they were incensed, I thought they were rather earnest in what they believed in, that the young people who voted, didn't have any knowledge of anything. I didn't say they weren't polite, they were very polite. My thoughts that followed were a combination of what I saw on the show, and what I saw elsewhere. But they were earnest for others to know what they do.
I agreed totally with them. Those that I know personally who have voted for Obamadidn't vote for Obama on the issues. Most of them didn't even really understand what was at stake. When questioned about specifics and with an ensuing discussion they actually go against what Obama is presenting.
Most people used that arguement because the issues for them, were not what others agreed with.
I agreed with those kids on Dr. Phil on two counts. That many young people are voting for Obama for superficial reasons and the fact that young people are starting to get interested in the political arena.
If anyone can get young people motivated and involved, more power to them! I applaud all those who went out and took action instead of staying home and whining. I think it's wonderful that they had the choice and used it, especially for what THEY believed, and not what others do.
If we don't like it, we can say so with our vote four years from now.
Thank heaven for freedom of choices!