That's an over-simplification.
Canada doesn't allow for advertising of prescription drugs. The United States does (we have that whole freedom of speech thing here). The millions spent in marketing is then passed on to American consumers in the form of higher prices.
However, if Americans started buying their drugs from Canada in sufficient quantity, the price in Canada would go up. Canadians would then demand their government now allow drugs to be exported to the United States.
The whole buying drugs from Canada thing is a canard. A joke that anyone who's remotely familiar with the issue beyond talking points knows can't happen.
I should also point out, since I think this was Jill's point, is that the money that the AMERICAN drug companies makes goes somewhere - to pay the salaries of Americans. So she is right, even if Canada did allow Americans to buy massive quantities of drugs from Canada at the prices they are today, that loss of revenue is going to have to come from somewhere.
It's not magic. It's going to be people losing their jobs. Or maybe they'd find a way to outsource those jobs to India or something and the Democrats could then complain about more outsourcing even though its Democratic policies that cause the bulk of outsourcing in the first place.
Cappy - it's basic economics.
Canada can demand that drugs cost a nickel if they want but the drug companies don't have to agree to that price. What Canada does is NEGOTIATE a fixed price on the drugs with teh drug companies.
IF millions of Americans began importing their drugs from Canada, the drug companies would need to make up the difference and that difference would be to charge Canada more for those drugs. But the Canadian government won't let that happen. Mark my words, if this import drugs from Canada starts becoming a serious consideration the Canadian government will make it illegal to export drugs to the United States.
I wanted to open a dialogue about it to point out that people often don't think too deeply about it. How many people know that we manufacture the drugs, export them then pay more for the same thing here than they do in Canada? If they do know, do they ask themselves why? I know many people who just see that they are cheaper in Canada so getting them from Canada is a nice solution.
I also find it interesting how liberals are often speaking the praises of "global society" out of one side of their face while damning outsourcing. Those same liberals want to regulate the hell out of everything then complain because they lost their job because their plant couldn't afford to pay them to make stuff that they could get a lot cheaper from a less regulated country. And about that global society, some jobs are outsourced because noone else in the area fits the bill. If a software company finds a brainiac programmer in Poland, why hire some lesser programmer and probably have to pay more due to benefit costs to get less results?
Americans need to buckle down and remember what competition is really like. We now live in a society bent on telling our children we are all winners and don't even keep score. We have unions where people do the absolute minimum they have to do in order to keep their job and they still get paid very competitive wages. We are all caught up in being fair and making excuses. Sometimes people just need a swift kick in the pants to realize you have to work and stay on top of your game to actually be a winner. Just being an American shouldn't mean you get a free pass to everything everyone else has. America is free which means you are free to succeed if you work at it and free to fail if you don't. Replacing competition with entitlements is what is ruining us as a society.
If we stop buying our drugs in the US, what will that do to drug companies here? What will it mean for Canadian drug companies? How will it affect prescription coverage for medical insurance?
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