In short, your beliefs do have consequences whether you realize it or not.
They sure do ..... and here is one of yours ... and it is affecting your thinking even though it has no basis whatsoever
Me: I'm against raising the taxes on anyone, including the top 5%.
Tax Supporter: Why? You can afford to pay more in taxes. You've got a big house and a fancy car, etc. You got way more than you need.
Honestly ... who says that? .... and if "he/she" exists ... then they dont deserve to live in a capitalistic democracy ... they should go live in Cuba or somewhere like that.
please read my comments on ID's thread regarding Redistribution and one of them is a reply to your comments.
in short here is the situation:
people like you provide product and some people buy it and others CAN NOT. and you make a profit. good for you and for the country.
for the country and you to grow ... we must get those who CAN NOT buy things including yours ... to be able to afford those things including yours ... in order that you can make more things and in the process make more money and the country as a whole get richer.
then how do we do that?
the only way is to increase the money available to those people so they can buy more ...
we can do this through two ways:
1- you give them raises
2- Gov. make it less expensive for them to get certain essential services like education, healthcare, transportation, housing, utilities... etc.
your taxes are an integral part of your continued busn growth ... just like your skills were an integral part of you starting and succeeding in your busn in the first place
take your taxes out of the pic ... things are not going to go well for your busn ... or for the country as a whole
yes you will make more without taxes .... but just for a short period of time ... to make your growth sustainable it must be cut a little in order for it to continue uniterrupted.
hiring more people or expanding your busn is not dependant on how much money you have ... it depends on the market demand and on your skills ... if those two exist ... banks provide the capital needed for more people and/or more equipment. (the Banks get the money from savings of ALL rich people including yours of course ... and if needed they get more from the Fed Res Bank and they pay it back when you pay them back from your new or expanded busn )
PLEASE >>>>>>>> answer these arguments and show me where any of the above points are wrong.
forget about the empty-headed people, if they exist, who say you pay more taxes because you dont need the money .... that is stupid ... that is not the reason for higher taxes on the rich ...
you cant get healthy educated people who can travel easily to work for you and then buy your product without YOUR HIGHER TAXES. lower income people cant provide the capital required for that... they provide some of it .. but you provide the bulk of it ... that is why you get a lot more than anyone who is an employee.
i think this is as clear as i can amke it.
The gov. wants you to make money
poor and middle income people want you to make more money
consistently ... not just for a short time
please tell me what is the downside of this system?
how does this hurt you? The country gets hurt when you get hurt ... but how is this hurting you in the long run?
your arguement is that you can make money now if you dont pay taxes .... that is very true ..... BUT IT IS ONLY FOR A SHORT PERIOD
after a year or so ... your business will lose the customers and your income will decrease permanently ... and may disappear alltogether .... you dont want that ... do you? neither do we .