Davad, using YOUR own words.
he's supported Bush over 90% of the time.
If McCain is 'like' Bush because he's supported him 90% of the time (almost 8 years). Please tell me how being associated and working with these fellows some for 20 years doesn't suggest Obama supported what these named Gentlemen did and stand for?
Has Obama bombed the Capitol, etc?
Has McCain been the President? No. Has McCain supported the President for almost 8 years? Yes.
Has Obama personally set bombs? No. Has Obama been affiliated with someone who openly admits it for several years? Yes
Has Obama been convicted of corruption? No. Did he buy his house from a convicted slum lord? Yes
Has Obama been caught on tape preaching white hate, anti-semitism, etc? No. Did he attend this man's church for 20 years and was married and children baptized by him? Yes
Let's also not fail to mention that Obama spoke openly about Rev. Wright that he couldn't disown him.
All I'm trying to do is hold Obama to the same light as they are trying to hold McCain.