I do have trouble with the characterization, as black and white, the notion that taxes are taking from the rich and giving to the undeserving poor. It is a conservative Republican government that has led to record breaking deficits. A war that costs us billions and will tax our future for decades, a willingness to spend, spend, spend, and yet try every which way to not pay the piper. The equation is seriously out of whack.
It was a Republican government to be sure that went on a spending spree. But it was not a conservative Republican government. That's why they got their rear-ends handed to them in 2006 -- conservatives stopped supporting them.
That said, what does this have to do with what Jill is saying? Whether the government is throwing money at a war or paying for food stamps, it is still being paid for by the small relatively small minority of people.
I don't want to be taxed any more than you do, but I do think we as Americans, have an obligation to both take care of ourselves (not just our friends and family) and pay our bills. If we can't afford billion dollar bombers and trillion dollar wars then so be it.
I agree that we have a moral obligation to take care of ourselves and lend a hand to our fellow citizen. But the federal government is a poor mechanism to do that. In addition, if you feel so strongly that we should "pay our bills" then let all Americans share in this burden instead of foisting it so overwhelmingly on a certain group simply because they have been more successful?
Moreover, I agree with can go without some stealth bombers but I also agree we can go without a lot of other things the federal government does.
All tax payers are getting a very poor return on their payments. When one thinks of the public services they make use of -- police, fire department, roads, schools, etc. that's almost totally paid for via state, local, and property taxes. And yet the federal government loots an immense amount of our produce and for what? Billion dollar bombers and give-aways to people or countries who give us little to nothing in return.
It is ridiculous to claim that it is the poor who are driving us into economic disaster. That's a sort of blame the victim game that conservatives have been playing for years. It has worked until now.
Huh? How is she blaming the poor for driving us into economic disaster? Do you even read these articles anymore or do you simply use the text entry area as a way to espouse your leftwing agenda?
Everyone should work hard and everyone should pay taxes. But I am all about reducing tax breaks for the rich.
I like that - "reducing tax breaks". And I support increasing the reverse tax increase agenda.
First off, let's remember that tax breaks are just that - a break in taxes. The government is merely looting less of the produce created by citizens. It isn't a gift or something.
It disgusts me the quarterly profits of big oil when we are in such hurt as a nation.
Why big oil? They run what? A 10% profit? Where's your outrage at companies earning billions in profits AND at huge margins? What about movie studios that regularly run 30% or more in profits and generate billions? Why not them? They aren't even producing something we technically need.
If you raise taxes on oil companies, we still end up paying for it. If you were being logical, you'd rather tax people or things that produce things that we can opt out on so that the taxes aren't necessarily passed on to us.
Of course taxing anyone should be a last resort. Every dime the government collects is a dime that was taken by force by a citizen.
It disgusts me that CEOs are getting golden parachutes while their companies are going down in flames.
Bugs me too. But it's none of my business nor yours unless you owned stock in the company in question.
If there has been a class war, it has been those in power making it harder and harder for those without power to make a decent living, have health care, and enjoy our American dream.
Who are these people making it harder for those to make a decent living and have health care? I've got a bunch of torches and pitch forks handy, let's go get them. Just point me in the right direction.