*sigh* Crap...now I got myself in politics.
Glad to have been part of pulling you in!
What is wrong with leaving it up to businesses to decide what benefits to offer? Many companies have chosen to offer benefits to same sex couples, others haven't... as it should be.
Depends on if the businesses are private or not. Private business may do as they like, even if they are jerks about it. I just don't like the idea of having "NO GAYS" in windows like "NO COLOREDS" signs in the good ol' days of racism.
If there were signs like that, I would be marching along side you against it. But it isn't up to the city, county, state or federal government to dictate to businesses what benefits they must or must not offer employees.
For the record though, in states where same sex marriages are recognized, I do think it would be discrimination to offer benefits for traditional spouses but not for same sex spouses.
What is wrong with leaving the choice up to the local school boards... where it belongs?
Because some of the school boards are obviously stupid...like in Kansas. Creationism/intelligent design was not, is not, nor will ever be a valid scientific theory and has no real place in schools aside from perhaps one day to talk about why it sucks as science.
Our Constitution and system of government is based on government situations being handled by the smallest jurisdiction possible, with oversight by the next highest jurisdiction. However, people just can't stand it when other communities do things differently than their own. It's like everywhere has to be exactly the same as everywhere else for some reason.
For example, I think San Francisco does things about as "obviously stupid" as it gets. But that is the way the people of San Francisco want to do things, so, unless they are violating the state and/or US Constitutions, so be it.
If the people of a community in Kansas think that teaching ID is best for their community, then they should be able to do it, as long as the schools meet the minimum standards set by the state.
Do you really think the government should ban faith based materials in homeschooling?
What exactly are "faith based materials in homeschooling?" I mean is it "God and the ABC's?" Or does it promote more religious based skews on actual education? Like I said, I don't think education should be mixed with faith and religion. If you want to learn about religion, then go at it. It's all good. I just don't see how combining the two helps in any way whatsoever...and I know that creationism is in there somewhere. It's a huge pet peeve of mine if you couldn't tell already. I just don't want parents undermining a good education with crap about how the world is only 6,000 years old and all the fallacies that come with it. If you want to believe that, go ahead...but don't ever teach it as fact.
Oh, so not only do you want to tell other school districts what they can and can't teach to students, you want to dictate that to parents too? Do you respect any freedom at all when it comes to teaching kids?
Isn't that the whole argument between man caused global warming and nature based global warming?
I've been learning a bit about global warming in my geography class. Turns out that global warming can be predicted and replicated by models similar to those that predict other weather phenomenon. (Daily weather, hurricane paths, stuff like that). Well, when you input environmental data you don't get the results we see today. If you add human contributions to that model...guess what? Model reflects reality. I'm growing fairly convinced that human interaction has a significant effect.
And thousands of scientists disagree with you. The whole "consensus" thing is a lie.
If Alaska is ready, willing and able, why not?
A bit of my environmental side coming out, I suppose. I don't think we should screw up ANWR, plain and simple.
Oh yes, let's not mess up all those trees and undergrowth at ANWR. ;'~D
Isn't energy independance important?
I doubt drilling in Alaska will magically solve our problems. It will only delay the inevitable while screwing up Alaska's environment.
Who said anything about "magically solving our problems"? Right now, oil is the lifeblood of our society. It is moronic to have our president go over to other countries begging them to increase oil production when our government refuses to allow increased production here in the US.
If the polar bear population is higher now than in the 70s, how is it endangered?
You can read this Wikipedia section if you like, at least they cite sources. It is widely believed that there's trouble brewing for our polar bear friends. There's only 22,000-25,000 to begin with...so if anything drastic happens then they're gone forever before we can do a thing if we don't think ahead.
So we're supposed to make billion dollar decisions on what "might" happen?
What is wrong with encouraging the use of our own resources instead of importing the same resources?
Using our own resources is great...but people need to take into account conservation and limits onto what can be harvested. Do some tree replanting, limit the number of fish you catch, for the love of God don't strip mine, and I've already covered oil drilling...although I'd like to add that we should drill what we have instead of poking around in protected areas and offshore crap.
But it's ok to use the resources of other nations, no matter what it does to the environment?
Oh yes, if oral sex, masturbation and S&M aren't taught in schools our society will just die on the vine.
With a conservative and the word 'explicit' I think they're leaning more towards advocating abstinence only education...which obviously didn't work for her daughter. I just have the crazy idea that in a sex ed class you should learn about sex and how to perform it safely if you're going to do it.
Thanks for the bit of stereotyping here. And the personal attack on Bristol. Apparently to you all kids follow their parents advice all the time. But than again, you don't want parents teaching their kids anything that you don't approve of anyway, so why don't we just let the government raise our kids for us...
Zoologist for Secretary of the Department of Childraising. ;~D
You could use Ayn Rand's book Anthem as your guide.