Heck, even Neil Armstrong himself had a bit of trouble piloting the Lem in July 69 by using a 32k ram control panel - without Virus!
The thing with nearby space is that it DOES have multiple junk & drifting satellites in orbit, MIR burnt on re-entrance (as it should), the ISS has - what - something like a 15 (+/-5) years life-span. By that time, someone will be heading for Mars along with temporary devices that would need to sustain them for a full year at least. Boogie_traps included.
Some kinky Pirate(s) out there are certainly aiming for the heavens and the silly 'fame'.
Can NASA stop the process?
If anything, what we simply do on Earth will transfer 'naturally' in space.
It's called Humanity progress.
Or... stupidity.
At least, TRUE exploration isn't limited by a full blast 60 days trial teasing run that must be renewed at Symantec for a cost.