I want the game advertised on the back of the frakking box.
I would like a campaign for each race as well instead of the silly maps they included as training for MP spammage of "X" ship until player "?" disconnects.
Moving ships would be great, SINS has too much of a WWI RTS trench warfare system (run up, dive into a static position, and open fire until retreat or advance -wash, rinse, repeat).
Better planetary development -manageable cities/planet (SIMS WORLD???) and improved tactical systems (battle stations, hangars [more fighters/bombers], weapons on all orbitals with tactical systems being feared] such as orbital batteries that insta-pop frigs/cruisers.
I've griped about this one... min/max tech settings, ship type limits to prevent spammage, enable/disable certain ship abilities and/or research/tactical structures, set build levels (prebuild phase a'la Metal Fatigue), and a large galactic campaign so the universe has a semi-real feel to it.
Re-vamp the UI and give a damn toggle to clear the UI from the screen with one button press. Ability management is the biggest issue. If I have 10 ships stacked and press the Q/W/E/R for ability activation, I am issuing the order to all 10, not just 1 ship. So, please, better AI.
I don't mind SP gaming, but really disappointed by the lack of a campaign or even universe scale campaign with random events, objectives that aren't lame, etc... ever played the Total War series of games?
Please, just redesign "SINS" (aka SRSP: space rock/scissor/paper) and give us a game worth the money we paid.
**Does this earn me negative karma??

Also, the damn left-hand sidebar that keeps bouncing up and down constantly gives us all motion sickness. Fix the bugger down. Trying to manage unstacked ships to ability/target individual ships is a mess when icons bounce up and down all the time due to other stuff changing location.