(My reply is not about liberals, it's about conservatives. We've already heard enough of the impressions that liberals give conservatives in recent weeks, so here's the other side of the coin. Since many of you have taken great cares to confuse ideology and character, maybe I'll do the same (or maybe I won't).
One other thing I've noticed is that hateful conservatives tend to prefer threats of murder and hell, slang labels like 'nigger', 'faggot', and 'commie', and the occasional use of violence against people they don't like. Often times, just like the communists and stereotypes they oppose (myself included: please consider me a commie faggot, not a liberal), the conservatives forget about the importance of liberal dialogue, and lash out in unpredictable ways. Of course we are currently living in a brief period of Civil-Bushdom, so conservatives are really digging this democracy thing for the time being. Conservatives relish the opportunity to wag their fingers disdainfully at the left, portraying them as hopeless, rabble-rousing malcontents. When the Civil-Bushdom subsides, and the government see-saws back to democratic control, we'll have an opportunity to see the hopeless, rabble-rousing malcontents of the right go berserk, bomb federal buildings and abortion clinics (Remember Tim McVeigh and that Rudolph dude both stood for limited government and traditional values). Oftentimes conservatives will murder atheists and bury them in tupperware. Less intelligent and motivated conservatives will simply listen to hateful talk radio and think that because the evils of liberalism are recognized, they are being defeated. Realistically, liberalism is only defeated with bombs, lies, and corruption.
Conservatives also have a tendency to excuse the criminal, immoral, and destructive tendencies of people like Tom DeLay, Ronald Reagan, and the Bushes. Conservatives know that there is a line between what they need to know about their government and what they don't need to know about it. What they need to know is its symbolism and its outward character. What they don't need to know is its operation: who finances it, who benefits from it, how it reaches its decisions, etc., etc. If the a republican 'stands' for personal responsibility and the rule of law, it doesn't matter if he is simply a corrupt ex-businessman who would like to help corporations be less responsible and laws be less enforcable. If he 'stands' for America, it doesn't matter that he sells his service to the pro-Israel lobby or compromises security in his dealings with Saudi Arabia. Conservatives are concerned with gestures, but not with consequences. The appearance of defending one's country is much more important than doing the thing which will make the country safer. Many conservatives can't tell the difference, but they insist on 'sending messages to the terrorists' or 'causing the terrorists to be destroyed by a domino effect... what a cool idea, a domino effect'.
Conservatives are very emotional and idealistic creatures who will often ignore reason. Granted, many conservatives and libertarians are very reasonable, but only when it concerns their individual needs, never when it concerns some of the needs of society (like regulation, law, welfare, education, environment, etc). Given the choice between giving a woman a fish and teaching a woman to fish, most conservatives will lash at out the woman for her irresponsibility in not knowing how to fish in the first place, tell her she's not strong enough, and freak out if the government uses their tax-money for the purposes of either giving her a fish or teaching her how to fish. The best way to deal with such a woman is to let her be, allowing her the dignity of being helpless, hopeless, and poor. Very reasonable.
Conservatives are value oriented, and have a great deal of contempt for those who have either surpassed the need to be value oriented (radiating goodness without touting or identifying values) or are oriented to different values than their own. Conservatives coallesce into large social value brigades, and have a remarkable affinity for those who preach values loudly and obnoxiously, but in reality are complete hypocrites and counterproductive to their cause. Liberals tend to associate their values with historical, sociological, and natural phenomenon, wheras conservatives associate values with tradition and social inheritance. When faced with the onslaught of those 'unclear' and 'unpronounced' values inherent in any human experience, conservatives will idealize selective impressions of 'traditional' value systems that may or may not be functional or applicable to modern experience. There is always an accute desire for 'things as they used to be', and this desire is projected through the condemnation of those who demonstrate the validity of a particular logical argument: "I did not have traditional values, therefore I acted in an immoral fashion". Conservatives are fixated on these instances to the point of irrational idiocy, and they love to identify all of society's ills with this ethical paradigm. They do not consider the alternative phenomena: "I do not have traditional values, I acted immorally, but my actions have nothing to do with my different values", or "I have traditional values and I acted immorally because of them", or "I have traditional values and I acted immorally/morally in spite of them", or "I do not have traditional values, and/therefore I acted morally". Nor do they consider cases in which the values espoused by something were traditional, but the outcome was negative, or the values espoused by something were not traditional, but the outcome was positive. Naturally, such thinking makes it very difficult for the conservative intellect to process reality when it refutes their assumptions, yet they retain strong faith in the unerring correctness of their beliefs.