The only thing I could teach my son from his latest issue of Time For Kids (March 19,2004) was what reporters should not do. Journalists are supposed to be unbiased. Especially if they are reporting in what is supposed to be an educational publication.
This particular publication was distributed by my son's school and paid by guess payers like me! The front page is 99% covered by a picture of a smiling John Kerry. A tiny tringle up in the corner has a picture of a troubled looking President Bush. Inside there are pictures of each. One of Bush has the caption "Mr. Bush wants kids to learn. He wants schools to give more tests." Okay, 1)I want my son to show respect to officials so "Mr. Bush" should be President Bush. 2)Oh yeah, telling kids this guy wants you to have more tests is really going to put him in good favor! Not to mention, that simply isn't true.
Okay, the first caption for Sen. Kerry reads "Mr. Kerry wants to create more jobs. He says many workers should be paid more money." Well isn't that nice. He "wants" to create more jobs. How is he going to do it? This says to kids that President Bush doesn't care about everyone having a job. My son even said "Doesn't President Bush want more jobs?" Of course he does! Easier said than done.
Next caption for Bush "Mr. Bush led a war in Iraq. Now he sends troops and money to help the country." Ah, there we have it folks, Kerry wants to give our workers more money and more jobs and Bush wants to send our money and people to the War in Iraq. By the way, the pictures of Bush are smaller than the pictures of Kerry also.
Lastly, caption for Kerry "Mr. Kerry says there is too much pollution. He wants to keep water and air clean." Again, Kerry "wants" to clean things up. Implies that Bush doesn't care about our air and water.
This sort of thing can fly with publications that are up front about there liberal leanings. Keep this out of the classroom! I am going to write to and tell them I don't appreciate them using my money to feed my children their agenda. BTW, I would be equally outraged if it were reversed. The classroom should be politically neutral. Teachers have no right to be influencing our children regarding politics. Their job is to teach facts not opinions.