If I hate one thing about the internet, it’s all these over sensitive naïve f00ls that think if they are sensitive towards females on the Internet, they might score… I suppose it’s not just the internet, its true in group situations as well, it just pisses me off more on the Internet.
I am a member of a few forums, and I see the same thing all over the place.
Some guy will post an article on how he is disgusted that some guy treats some girl as a trophy or whatever, and how he is really nice, and really despises that kind of behaviour blah blah blah.
These guys are all the same – they are the perceived ‘nice guys’ that don’t get any. As the age old saying goes – nice guys finish last… I guess you could say I used to be 100% nice guy… but I kind of woke up.
This may sound ridiculous, but I have actually put a lot of time into practical research. I find human interaction extremely interesting. I could sit at a coffee shop for hours and just watch the people interact. I will be honest here… the reason I find human interaction so interesting, and have put some time into ‘research’ is because I enjoy interacting with chicks! Very much so.
We all know that guys are assholes… lets face it… let me try and explain the logic though. Maybe the girls of JoeUser can jump in with their perspective (I know you all read my blog girls… hehe)
The most attractive aspect of any male to most females is confidence. The fact is, assholes have confidence by the bucket load (or they are so insecure they put a façade on – nonetheless it works.) They are really comfortable around girls, to the extent where they will ‘tease’ the females. This sets of a trigger in the girls mind… especially attractive ones… I don’t know about you guys, but personally, I have found insecurities are a female’s greatest weakness, and they need to be told they are beautiful ALL the freaken time… this is where the Wussies come in… The nice guys are the ones that turn to mush and break out in sweats. They buy the drinks, and lay on the compliments… come on boys… as if she hasn’t been bought a drink before, or told she is beautiful.
The assholes tease the gorgeous girl… this girl is used to being told she is this and that… and as soon as she is teased… this triggers the insecurities she has… And she will do anything to impress the perpetrator… asshole scores.
Extremely hot chick in bar… walk up to hot chick, and you seem to recall seeing her somewhere before…
Guy – have I seen you somewhere before?
Girl – maybe, I have done some modelling in the past (if she doesn’t say this – suggest she has maybe done some modelling, or something - wait for the catch though)
Guy – really? YOU!??? have done modelling? Oh yeah, they are kind of nice hands, in a jewellery catalogue or something?
By now, the chick should be in hysterics, or would have just cocked her nose up at you… if she cocked her nose up, she isn’t worth the trouble. Either way… you should really walk away at this point… in theory, this girl will be following you around all night, looking at you… you have succeeded in intriguing her. Make move at own discretion.
I have seen this work on several occasions…
Guys… ask any girl, and she will wish that we were more assertive. How many times have you made great eye contact, smiles, winks… and never had the guts to go and speak to the girl…? That used to be me… Just take control of the situation, and strut.
I know all this because I have carefully noted this down in my brain… I love observing social situations. Psychology is the key to everything.
Don’t despair nice guys though… If you just aren’t the type of person to ‘strut’ girls will find you...eventually. I can tell you right now… the older women love the nice guys… this is because they are mature, and aren’t as insecure as they were in their youth… Guys who aren’t really successful in their teenage and early 20’s tend to be the ones with the successful marriages with the happy home and kids… and if you ask me, in today’s society of failed marriages, and un-happy homes, that is a lot more valuable than how many chicks you scored when you were a stud in your youth.
Who wants an insecure chick as a girlfriend anyway? unless you are a hedonistic f00l (I own up to that) they are of no value whatsoever. Insecurities equal pain – for both parties. It’s kind of a viscous circle. Nice guys, how many of your female friends (who you want to bone) whinge to you about their boyfriends who are evidently the assholes we speak of? I put an urgent call to you – do not let this happen!!!! Because they don’t learn from their mistakes until much later… you are the shoulder to cry on for the time being, but no sex for you.
It’s the same with the ‘let’s be friend’s line’ all the chick wants is another guy they can manipulate for drinks at the bar, or rides to their boyfriends house. Seriously, if I wanted another friend, I would be like ‘hey, will you be my friend?’ I have enough friends as it is, and I aint gonna be friends with no chick I want to bone. Chicks I don’t want to bone make awesome friends though… this is easy to decipher, they will go rounds with you at the bar, this isn’t to say that this chick isn’t great or attractive, its just that they have morals, and don’t manipulate guys for their $$$.
Hopefully I have made a few people really angry… if you are angry, please share your thoughts… I am a thought provoking guy, but hopefully I have opened a few people’s eyes… Of course I know this is not true all the time, so please refrain from pointing out the bleeding obvious.
All I am trying to say to the ‘nice guys’ out there is that you don’t have to be an asshole… just be assertive. Know what you want, and if you don’t get that, move on.
Peace Out