The new Winamp is here as a customizable (on your machine) streaming webservice with video, audio, fanzone...
which you can read about here:
So, you create an account, and download the player which has a very cool flat black look, and then discover that
"the new Winamp player does not support integrating a local music library or online library of audio files to an account...This leaves a very small selection of artists, those who have signed up already to promote their music using Winamp, and the streaming options podcasts and radio stations.
From the closing words...
The new Winamp is totally different from the old. It is a web-based player that can't play local music. The idea to create an incentive for artists to publish their content on Winamp is not a novel idea, but Winamp might have more pull than other solutions that attempted it before the company. For now, it is a web-based podcast and radio player.
What about the standalone desktop player? Winamp users have used it for years without official support, and this won't change. Whether it is going to be abandoned or if development continues remains to be seen."
What it looks like?'s pretty, but others do more, at least for now.