I don't like the way the research screen makes you click the button twice to pick a research or if you exit without picking one it picks one for you. Who came up with that?
Pirates vs anything without a gun on it, and no chance to dodge or evade the pirates? Great just great. So I have to escort every colony ship or watch every colony ship to make sure it don't get eaten by the space pirates? Why would the pirates even be interested in a colony ship in the first place? How about holding the colony ship for ransom instead of just killing it. I'd go for that.
Oh and ship repair so I got this great survey vessel and it has 100 hp but repairs 2/turn. How do I repair that faster? Orbit it? dock it at a shipyard? please tell me.
You only have to click a research once and it is selected, no double click needed.
The pirates are very easy to avoid, they only have a movement of 2. And yes if you don't want them to get eaten by space pirates, you have to watch those precious colony ships. And historically there were plenty of pirates that "left no survivors" or simply enslaved the passengers of the vessels they took. Holding something for ransom can lead to many complications; much easier to just destroy or steal the whole ship and loot it of all valuables. And of course if all of this is really too difficult for you to deal with, you can turn the pirates off.
Yes you can repair faster by orbiting your ship around a planet, or docking it at a starbase/shipyard. I think it repairs 4 hp per turn orbiting a planet, 6 hp per turn at starbase. Something like that, and racial repair rate bonuses may also effect that.
You didn't understand. I'm saying you click technology from the map, but then you have to click on the opposite side of a very large screen in a very small UI a button to make a reasearch selection. 2 Clicks, and it is annoying because you obviously clicked in there to pick a research but every time you do a research you have to click it and I just dont like the time sink. If you fail to pick one and just exit, you don't not research, it makes the selection for you. I also don't like that.
I realize you can avoid pirates, and if you want you can eliminate them from your game by customization right. Not the point. The point is, what does God want with a starship? What do pirates want with a colony ship? Think GD it! Of course they don't want to just destroy it they are pirates, pirates hold things of value for things of even greater value.
-"We're not doing this for the money, We're doing this for a shitload of money!" Every ransom ever held has been for a much larger sum than someone could simply pay in the situation, outsiders would have to choose to pay and when they do the pirates profit set that against the destruction of the ship. Also your supposition that it is acceptable to babysit every damn ship, even some of them, is bull. You are a galactic leader, not a interstellar ferryboat captain. Your only part should be choosing to pay a ransom or not on behalf of the government.
When it takes you 10-20 turns to build these colony ships, and they aren't armed, which also makes no sense, to lose them in this manner sucks and I'd argue not worthy of the 3rd iteration of Gal Civ. Even scouts early on are expensive enough that it would be better design for the to be at least a chance for you to evade. Nope instead we get the "popup" do you want to watch it die, or just click the other button that automatically kils it. LOL Yeah I don't like,
And as for repair, where the hell does it say this? Where is this in the manual? Where is the manual? Yeah not a 90/100 game me thinks needs polish and sure as hell need another 10 updates to fix this stuff and the stuff under the surface too.