I have to admit, I use metacritic as a base filter for games. I look at the ones that are critical, but mostly those on the border. I ignore ones that throw out zeroes because that is a rage fest. I also ignore the highest ones because those are fan boys.
Those that criticize because it plays like another game they don't like, but I do, become a favorable review to me.
Those that say it is too hard also become favorable to me.
It better damn well have replayability. Something that has 30 hours of content or less I will only pick up on a step sale.
Have I ever been let down by a game? YES! CA usually has a boom/bust release cycle, but they usually get things better. While maybe not as fast as I like, they get to at least decent. I have some games I have played very little of.
Stardock is the one company I KNOW will go out of there way to make things better. Amplitude also does a nice job. Firaxis is slow, like CA, but they improve their games as well.
I honestly don't understand the rage of most users. I understand frustration, especially if it crashes. However, I go nuts checking drivers and other things before I go bother to post.
These "Good old days" of "perfect games" out of the box never existed. There were several games I bought that stunk to high heaven and there were no patches or maybe one to two, but nothing even on the level of what Stardock has already released. That said, there were a few companies that did make sure it was close to being as good as possible. Microprose comes to mind.
Really developers can't win today. If they waited until it was perfect, people would say it was vaporware. If they release it and have an update or two in a couple of weeks, it was released too soon.
I feel that if a developer released a game in "perfect" condition, then people would complain there weren't any updates and they are abandoning the users. Especially if DLC comes out.
How much did they spend on WoW for the game, expansions AND a monthly charge?
Also, realize that these games released 15-20 years ago would cost more now than they were then. $50 in 1995 is $77.62 now. 1990 just over $90. So people want all that older games had, plus more, for less.
Imagine what would happen if they released the game at those prices!
Life is too short to get worked up over a game.