True, but I still have concerns about such a system. I'm welcome to brainstorm on it to see what we can come up with though. What about the weapon type differences between factions? LRF use missiles yet Illuminators use Beams which personally seem like weapons that should easily carve up armor. It's not that think that this system couldn't work, it's just that it'll take a lot of work and I'm not personally sure how to do it.
You raise some major difficulties. I mainly had TEC in mind when I came up with this idea but as you pointed out, the Advent as they currently are don't really fit.
My solution to this would involve Wintercross's suggestion, which I would like to build upon by suggesting some new stats. Each individual ship with a 'size' or 'detectability' stat and an agility stat. The first would be a simple modifier to an enemy's accuracy. The agility stat would effect a ship's turning circle and how easily it can aim at a moving target and/or dodge incoming fire.
Secondly, I would split the LRF class into 2 new classes: LRFs and destroyers. LRFs have poor tracking speed, a long aim time and poor armour penetration but have very high damage and splash damage. They are very dangerous to clusters of frigates and destroyers when at range but are not effective against heavy cruisers or cap ships due to their much higher armour. The TEC would have high-explosive missiles for this, Vasari would have high-explosive phase missiles and the Advent could have a new ship armed with psionic surge cannons or something.
Since LRFs have to continually track their missiles to the target, fast ships like light frigates can close the gap and negate them. If a LRF receives damage, any missile en route to a target gets disrupted and misses the target. Thus, if light frigates get in close, they can cause LRFs to miss most of their shots so LRFs cannot be used as front like units.
Destroyers would be armed with weapons that have very high armour penetration making them dangerous to heavy cruisers, cap ships, structures and starbases. But their poor tracking speed and long aim time and lack of splash damage makes them very vulnerable to corvettes and SC and light frigates to a lesser degree. Illuminators could fit quite well into this class I think.
Except the Vasari didn't see Kron's error coming. I think the TEC did actually see the Vasari coming based on the intro video. Perhaps they never militarized in preparation for them because they thought they'd be peaceful when they arrived or perhaps internal politics prevented it (much more likely as we know the Aluxi Dynasty fell shortly after the arrival of the Vasari). Or maybe the TO couldn't. The TO had no commander-in-chief and thus couldn't mobilize a property military response. Perhaps the TO after so long at peace no longer retained the power to have a military and could at best create police forces.
The mere fact that the TO could have seen the Vasari coming likely could have meant that they at least stood a chance. The other thing is that Kron was presumably within the heart of the Vasari empire. If the Chasers knocked out the capital of the empire within short order, logistics and communication would have been disrupted preventing a proper response.
Good points. I never before thought of the possibility that the TO saw the Vasari coming before they reached Trader space. It makes sense and it really changes my perspective of the whole thing.
I guess it comes down to what we want the chasers to bring to the game. Most people seem to want an extra race while I was thinking of something more campaign focused. But I don't see how a campaign could be made to be actually interesting and not just a glorified tutorial.