Ok this is part 3 of my tutorials, focusing on adding and editing issues
(sorry to any admins, I am trying not to spam the forums, just trying to get the information some people are looking for out in the public)
As usual, First lets find the files that we need to edit:
The file can be found here:
64bit default: [C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Political Machine 2012\Data\English\Maps\USA]
32bit default: [C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\The Political Machine 2012\Data\English\Maps\USA]
The file that you are looking for is called: MainIssues.PM2issuesXML <Open this in notepad or notepad++
If you have read part 2, you will already have seen this file.
in this tutorial we will be looking at how to edit the first of the issues, but this can be done with any of the issues in the file.
so here is the first bit we need to look at editing:
Code: xml
- <Display>A Christian Nation</Display>
- <Image>Family</Image>
- <Icon>Gfx\Issue_Images\Issue_Family_Pos.png</Icon>
- <Description>Religious conservatives look to restore the nation to the Christian values they see as eroding all around them. Liberals see this as a thinly veiled assault on the seperation of church and state.</Description>
- <Default_Party_Importance PartyID="Left">5</Default_Party_Importance>
- <Default_Party_Position PartyID="Left">-4</Default_Party_Position>
- <Default_Party_Importance PartyID="Right">5</Default_Party_Importance>
- <Default_Party_Position PartyID="Right">6</Default_Party_Position>
- <Default_Party_Importance PartyID="Indy">5</Default_Party_Importance>
- <Default_Party_Position PartyID="Indy">0</Default_Party_Position>
To begin with, the Tag name is a reference name, this can be changed to anything you want, for ease its best to change it to something relevant to the issue.
like this: <Tag>GAMING</Tag>
the next section is how it will display in game, when the issue comes up, so by default we get this:
<Display>A Christian Nation</Display>
and in our example we can change this to:
After you have edited that basic information, you can change the picture and the Icon, this is something I haven't yet tried, but I would assume that you simply place the icon in the [\Gfx\Issue_Images\] Folder.
Next is the description, which is self explanatory, just delete the text in the field, and put in your description of the issue as a replacement.
For information on changing the importance of the issue to parties, and in states, please return to the second part of the PART 2 of the tutorial, Called HOW TO: Modding the parties.