The UK is here. The Political Machine 2012.
Public Beta 1_0 Release NEW!
I started work on a mod shortly after the game came out, trying to make a version of the game that allows you to win Great Britain, Instead of just america.
Its like a new game, with new parties, New candidates, but the same feel that we have come to know and love.
Things to be aware of:
- The map is considerably smaller than the US one. Not necessarily in visible size, but in number of "states" or "regions". However I don't feel that this negatively effects the gameplay, as it means that there is more crossover of campaigning.
- The Candidates from the Original game have been removed. I may reintroduce them at some point, but they were causing the game to crash.
- This mod completely replaces the US game, so please backup your folder. This is something that I can't really do anything about, as the game doesn't support multiple game modes. (for those of you with TPM2008, I am able to create a version which adds it as a scenario, if there is enough call for it)
- THIS IS A BETA VERSION!! There are bound to be bugs, and there is content which I have temporarily disabled as I work on it.
What This Mod includes:
- Complete change of party names: You are now Conservatives Vs Labour
- Use of British Logos and Music
- New Map!
- New Issues, more related to Britain
- Replaced Endorsements, to be more British
There is a lot of things I still need to do, such as Interviews (which are currently disabled, sorry) and candidates.
- At present you will have to create all new candidates from scratch, as this removes all of the default candidates.
Uploaded with [URL=http://imageshack.us]ImageShack.us[/URL]
^^^ This picture is actually an old one of my first creation of the map, the new map is much smaller as you will see, to fit into the game window better.
Unfortunately there are a few things I can't change...I can't add more parties, I can't make this a selectable scenario (at present it over writes america (so you'd need to back up your game)) and I can't change the $ sign to a £ sign. However, They are only minor problems, and won't effect a release 
Install Instructions
Disclaimer: I take No responsibility for any damage caused to save games, computer data or you loosing friends if you play this game too much. Stardock have no part in the creation of this mod, and therefore can not offer, at this time, any kind of support. This Mod is created by an individual, and therefore holds no affiliation with Stardock. I retain the right to distribute this, and If the mod is illegally distributed without consent, then I will pull support for the mod, and remove the official post. Support for this Mod can be done through the Thread, unless otherwise told. Please do Not send Private messages to the Creator of this mod, or to stardock staff, about this mod, as It will clog up our inboxes, and I won't have as much time to make mods, and they won't have enough time to fix bugs and add content.
In the instance that an update to the game is released, it is likely that you will have to reinstall the original scenario, or reinstall this mod, before being able to play the game, as the updated files will overwrite the files in this mod. If you have read all of the disclaimer, then well done, and have a cookie.
Step 1: Locate the correct folder, This will be found in 1 of 2 places, depending on if you use a 64bit windows computer or a 32bit windows computer.
64 Bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Political Machine 2012.
32 Bit: C:\Program Files \Steam\steamapps\common\The Political Machine 2012
Step 2: Backup this folder. This is very important, Just copy and paste the folder somewhere. I have a folder in my C:\ drive called "backup" where I have mine saved.
Step 3: Download the file.
step 4: Open the Zip folder, and copy the contents of the file into the political machine 2012 folder, they should match up with the directories already in there. E.g. data, Gfx, Music.
Step 5: Overwrite any files it asks you to. You need to "copy and replace" all files, don't try and keep both files, it just wont work.
Step 6: Open the game. If all installed correctly, you are now able to play the UK version of the game.
Step 7: Create new characters. You will need to create 4 characters (2 for each party) so that you can have enough for the game to run. If you have less than 2 for each party, the game will probably crash. I will be including Characters soon, probably in BETA 1_2
Coming in BETA 1_1:
Bug fixes.
Download Links:
BETA 1_0: http://www.4shared.com/zip/NK0CtRoB/UKPoliticsBETA1_0.html?
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