Doc also told us about Flash Cookie Cleaner awhile back. It has become one of my favorite and most-used utilities, I often just leave it running minimized if I'm doing much browsing to clean up after sites. If you leave it running you need to click on its "Scan Cookies" button to rescan the cookies directory (it scans automatically when you first open it up). The cookies are stored on a logon/user by logon/user basis, so you need to run it while logged in under any particular logon - running under an Admin logon will only clean out the cookies under the Admin user.
Might be better to just block them all via the Adobe settings site, don't know if some site function would be impaired by doing that. Anyway here's Flash Cookie Cleaner:
[EDIT- It has come to my attention that has begun wrapping downloads from their site in an installer which wants to install toolbars and such unless a person specifically "opts out" of those during installation. The link I have provided below is to the FlashCookieCleaner site; however, clicking on their "Download" button routes a person to to get the actual download. I'm going to leave the link here, but please be warned to pay attention if you install the software and specifically OPT OUT OF ANY LITTLE EXTRAS during the installation. - end edit]
Like I said, I love it, thanks Doc.