There are no plans to have War of Magic available on any other platforms other than Impulse except for a future Stardock digital store (for its own stuff).
I am pleased, very pleased to hear about a Stardock digital store. I assumed it was coming. I will be unhappy if you do not put your future games products on your own digital storefront.
One question about said future store: will we have our Stardock game registrations moved to the digital store, so we can download from either there or Impulse, given our preferences? Or, at the very least, given the option to switch our current Stardock game registrations to the future Stardock Digital Store (I think you should keep the SDC name)
While I'm ok with using Impulse, generally I prefer to get my games direct from developer when possible, as to maximize the developer's revenue, as I believe that enhancing the developer's revenue enhances their profitability, which will enhance future game quality . I'd rather see my $50 purchase be $50 of Stardock money, not $35 for Stardock and $15 for Gamestop, as Gamestop didn't make the game. Another reason is your beta patches- I assume they'll come out quicker on the platform you control.
My only concern is wondering how the SDC (term I'll use) versions of future games and any future Impulse integration (which was a strong point of WOM) will intersect. That said, the Impulse integration isn't necessary for WOM or any other current SD game- it's just a nice bonus and a well-done feature.