Duly noted, Vamps. Wasn't pointing the finger at anyone, just an opinion. If you think I meant you, then maybe you're a little unhappy with your own work?
I doubt that. I think it's more likely that she thought you meant her, because when you search Windowblinds, 3 out of the 12 on the first page are hers, so it would be the logical conclusion to think you meant her.
Again, not talking about anyone in particular.
Then why did you make the comment that you thought most of what was coming out wasn't top quality? You must be basing your opinion on something. Are you saying ALL of the newest Windowblinds that have come through are less than top quality? Please qualify yourself. I'm curious as to why you would make that comment. You're usually so positive about what's uploaded here.
I just happen to specialize in matching blinds. If not me, who? No one else is doing it.
Here's an idea...why don't you use your talent and rank to create a tutorial so those of us with lesser rank can learn from you. Vampothika did it for Windowblinds, but nobody has done a dumbed down DesktopX tutorial with lots of pictures. Just as an example of something that's been on my wishlist forever is a how to make an analog clock widget, for which there is suppose to be a plugin, but I don't know where the plugin is, and I don't know how to insert graphics into DX once I've created them in my art program.
If you share you knowledge, we could take some of the burden off your shoulders of making matching widgets and then the DX uploads could be less than top quality, too.