Erebus needed a nerfing and is just fine now. They have all the statistics so they are in a much better position to judge what needed nerfing and what didn't.
Obviously you know everything about demigod and are the only one that can conceive a nerf because you simply are the best!
Honestly, I could respond to all of your arrogant posts and proclaim you wrong on every one, but I won't, because like I said that isn't the basis of this topic. It's simply people like you saying you know who needs to be nerfed and who doesn't based simply on who you play and lose to. They didn't base it on any statistics, or at least any statistics that are RELEVENT to demigod balance. Post count in a forum thread calling for a nerf for one, is NOT a statistic.
The HoL nerf and the minion despawn
Those were RETARDEDLY OP and BLATANTLY obvious though. The latter was a bug. You can compare the HoL to all of the other items, weigh their costs, and easily conclude it was overpowered. It's an easy call to make because you have something to compare it to. Erebus you don't have anything to compare it to, because there is no solid end-game. Some people posted their experience saying he's underpowered (I thought he was, but it's very likely I never played a good Erebus) who have backgrounds in playing team games. Some people came from random teams in pantheon/custom games, and thought he was overpowered simply because they got owned by a single person.
In all of these scenarios, theres no way to compare SKILL other than by who wins and who loses. Then people try to compare BALANCE instead as an excuse for a win/loss. It's really hard to determine what is an equally-skilled game, even with arranged teams, or even CLANS. But they disregarded all of this and went ahead and nerfed him to satisfy a few posters who they knew NOTHING about, and only a MONTH into the game's release. A bunch of beta players can say it was different; beta was much longer, but post-release and beta had one thing in common: It isn't easy to gauge a player's skill, let alone a team's skill regardless.
I want to avoid any discussion over the SPECIFIC bite nerf, and just the basis behind it. Sound cool? I deleted my arguments in my previous post, as this thread will de-rail quickly.
Why are you assuming that? Devs do listen to people on the boards but they don't implement everything everybody says. Sometimes they see things for what they really are ALL ON THEIR OWN.
Because there were several behemoth-sized threads saying his bite was overpowered. (The only discussion of that size was based on erebus) A week later after it died down, theres an update with a few connectivity issues, a few features added/fixed, and at the bottom by itself, the ONLY demigod balance change in the update and one of the only demigod balances yet to be made after release, erebus's bite takes a direct nerf. They didn't nerf erebus, they didn't tweak his bite, they almost literally took someone's suggestion for how to fix it and just took an axe and cleaved it apart.