I have been playing the game for a little over a year now.
I would like to step up to the Metaverse and see what I can do.
I need assistance in creating and adding a player.
Do you have a version of the game running Metaverse? Click to the http://metaverse.galciv2.com/ and create an account. In here you create a character. When you play the game open the metaverse in the main menu and select your character and off you go... atleast thats how I did it
Welcome SEADOG8278!
Sentient species taste better...
and still a virgin? welcome to the MV SEADOG.
I try to make a player I type the name ,ect. clik create and it red letters me somthing about alpha numaric stuff. I chang it and the same. HELP! P.S. thanks Jack.
If you are entering all alpha may be something to ask Support about. The alpha/numeric error is caused by characters used for other functions...#@/ and others I can't remember. Not much help but did't want it to go unanswered.
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