HCs are allredy nearly redundant, cannonfodder/ first line.
I rarely build more than 15 of them for the sole reason that carriers do everything far beter than HC's.
The way i see it, only use for HC's in modern sins is 20-30 minutes in game, when you get your second population upgrade, and get out 15 odd HC's as a meat wall.
Carriers, in current form are superior over all other units as a damage dealers and survivable combat units.
Cruisers are the "cheap" expandable first wave, or a close range guards for your capital ships.
The fact that carriers can deliver payloads from far and escape. Not to mention, if you kill carrier, it takes time before the squads it commands dies.
What we need is... well, nothing. The carriers are the backbone of any competetible fleet in sins today. And favorable capitalships are thous, who got useful anti strikecraft abilities. To have a HC heavy fleet is to face defeat against competent carrier abuser.
The thing we need to do is to diversify our existing units more. Right now it is possible to counter Light frigs with carriers way too easy. And going LF heavy content just because of carrier baisikly serves as enemy capships levelgrind.
I dont even bother to use LRF/illus/assilants in sins anymore. Only reason to use them is if you are under risk of getting rushed before you can get carriers/hoshikos out.