Try to remember that when they are cutting your head off screaming "allah akbar".
Thanks for the tip! I agree, it is very hard to remember that words matter less than actions, but if it ever comes to that situation I'll remember to follow your good advice and dissociate a clearly political action from the unifying religious trappings that are used in an attempt to legitimise my ritualistic murder.
And the deeds of the religious body speak of acceptance of the actions of the radicals (extremists).
Ah, so you're referring to a shared action of all Muslims? I'm sorry, you were a little too vague.
Islam doesn't have many common rituals, but I suppose you could consider Ramadan a sign of acceptance of the actions of radicals, or praying to Mecca.
It's a bit odd and not something I agree with, but if that's what you believe then I can't imagine how I would go about changing your mind.
I think we'll just have to agree that there is no possible common ground on our issue - your approach to human behaviour is vastly too different for me. I would never have made the link between fairly mundane religious ritual that's lasted centuries and a specific political intention only relevant to right now.