EvilleJedi currently has 42 karma from 42 submissions.

View karma EvilleJedi has given
Karma Received
  1. Jan 23, 2010
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  2. Dec 15, 2009
    EvilleJedi's Profile
  3. Oct 14, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  4. Oct 05, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  5. Oct 04, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  6. Oct 04, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  7. Oct 02, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  8. Sep 30, 2009
    {Utility release} Mod updater*v1.193 now out*and all of my modding utilites update 18/11/2011 trinity friendly
  9. Sep 15, 2009
    "Star Wars - Requiem" mod for Entrenchment and Diplomacy
  10. Sep 14, 2009
    "Star Wars - Requiem" mod for Entrenchment and Diplomacy
  11. Sep 14, 2009
    "Star Wars - Requiem" mod for Entrenchment and Diplomacy
  12. Sep 14, 2009
    "Star Wars - Requiem" mod for Entrenchment and Diplomacy
  13. Sep 14, 2009
    "Star Wars - Requiem" mod for Entrenchment and Diplomacy
  14. Sep 14, 2009
    "Star Wars - Requiem" mod for Entrenchment and Diplomacy
  15. Jul 09, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  16. Jun 29, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  17. Jun 10, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  18. May 03, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  19. Apr 10, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  20. Apr 06, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  21. Mar 23, 2009
    Star Wars Mod
  22. Mar 11, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  23. Feb 22, 2009
    Star Wars Mod
  24. Jan 22, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  25. Jan 21, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  26. Jan 13, 2009
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  27. Dec 11, 2008
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  28. Dec 06, 2008
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  29. Dec 03, 2008
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  30. Dec 01, 2008
    Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire 1.0E (entrenchment)
  31. Nov 29, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  32. Oct 23, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  33. Oct 13, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  34. Sep 24, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  35. Aug 26, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  36. Jul 13, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  37. Jul 02, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  38. Jun 26, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  39. May 23, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  40. May 22, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  41. May 19, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
  42. May 12, 2008
    Star Wars Mod
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