Hi SimplexDesigns.
I remember back in the original Windowblinds Planning Topic after myself and PhoenixRising did a lot of testing with Explorer Patcher , we published our input and told the forum we have made "WB10 Work On Win 11" . This did have a small issue (as you would expect) of creating a transparent line down the sides of Explorer Windows, but besides that WB 10 did work and allowed skinning in Win 11. In the same topic , many members took issue with what we called working, the same group saying if it is not 100% then it is not working.
I noticed you have said more than once in this Topic the phrase "perfectly fine" then followed with some issues or words of caution over one issue or another, which i thank you for. I know we are still in a Beta, but i do need to hear from either Neil Banfield or Brad Sams to inform me if this is either a Yes Or A No.
I own a Large Collection of Master Skins Including two Commissions made especially for Me, putting these together, i have spent a Load of Money, i do understand my commissions will be updated if and when needed for Win 11, but that still leaves Hundreds and Hundreds of Pounds worth of Masterskins that may or may not work in Win 11 without doing this or that to make them work (something i have already done with WB 10 on Win 11, but was frowned upon by some of our community.)
Thankyou for your reply, but i need an answer from either of the two Staff members listed above. I was hoping for WB11 to blow my socks off and more importantly be compatible with what i have already spent loads on without work arounds, right now i can see No reason to pull me away from using Themes and the competitors brilliant Start Replacement Program, that has allowed me to Skin Win 11 almost since its launch due to many and regular updates.