Big update as I widened my search to get help from more communities out there and had some AWESOME responses from people so many thanks to everyone who's contacted me publicly and privately! I'm also starting to look more at newer Civilization games (4-6) and finding some good stuff. Someone pointed out that I should include a The Elder Scrolls (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim etc) section and gave me several Civ scenarios for it I'd never heard of! I'm a huge TES fan so how could I say no! People also gave me some Warcraft scenarios so yup, we've got a new Warcraft section on the list too, hell maybe I should look at Starcraft while I'm at it too lol!
Note: Project links over in original CivFinatics thread (link in top post) as for some strange reason most forums don't like people coming in and posting 100s of offsite links lol. 
List updates...
- Have added PaulHeron's Babylon 5 Modpack scenario to the list.
- Have added AltF18's Azeroth (Warcraft) scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added EvilKnevil's Dune: The Battle for Arrakis scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added NathanDawson's Battle For Adoij (Star Wars) scenario that axx told me about to the list (I actually already host it myself on my Star Wars scenario ModDB page but forgot lol!).
- Have added MarkusEklund's Death Star Attack (Star Wars) scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added JoshAdams's The Battle of Endor (Star Wars) scenario to the list.
- Have added JaredKoger's Dominion (Star Trek) scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added DirkWeber's ID4 The day of the Borg (Star Trek) scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added Academia's The Age of Númenor (LOTR) scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added CarlFritz's Darklord (LOTR) scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added GabrieleQuaglia's Angmar - War in Arnor (LOTR) scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added JoséMartinez's Señor de los Anillos (LOTR) scenario that ETTiNGRiNDER told me about to the list.
- Have added Shelly's The Martian Scenario scenario that axx told me about to the list.
- Have added John Ellis's Colonies III - The Struggle for Empire scenario to the list.
- Have added the Fallout: Tame The Waste Modpack (built from FR) that LonelyLurker told me about to the list.
- Have added the Fury Road (Mad Max) Modpack that LonelyLurker told me about to the list.
- Have managed to obtain Dale's Age of Discovery scenario missing download file (thanks Dale & Solver at WePlayCiv) and preserve it on CFC.
- Modied existing mention of Firaxis Civ4 Colonization game to state that I'm giving it a seperate category in Colonization section (see below).
- Have added the We The People Modpack (built from R&R) to the list.
- Have added the Religion And Revolution Modpack (built from TAC) to the list.
- Have added the The Authentic Colonization Modpack to the list.
- Have added the Colonization: 2071 Modpack to the list (in SMAC & Alien Col section).
- Have added The Elder Scrolls BNW Modpack that Gez told me about to the list.
- Have added Spatzimaus's Alpha Centauri Modpack that Darsnan told me about to the list, however its download file is CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know and I'll put it on CFC!
- Have added mention of Firaxis Civ Beyond Earth game to state that I'm giving it a seperate category in SMAC section (see below).
- Have added the Beyond Centauri (SMAC) Modpack that elektrizikekswerk told me about to the list.
- Have added The Unity Project (SMAC) Modpack that elektrizikekswerk told me about to the list.
- Have added The Elder Scrolls Modpack that Gez told me about to the list.
- Have added the A Civ of Ice and Fire (GoT) Modpack that Damien told me about to the list.
- Have added Azeroth scenario (not a total conversion scenario though) to the list.
- Have added Mars Terraformed scenario (not a total conversion scenario though) to the list.
- Have added The Americas scenario (not a total conversion scenario though) to the list.
- Have added Caribbean Colonization 1634 scenario (not a total conversion scenario though) to the list.
- Have added GeoModder's Mars Survivor scenario that Darsnan told me about to the list, however its download file is CURRENTLY MISSING so if anyone has it let me know and I'll put it on CFC!
- Have added mention of the SMAC repository that Darsnan told me about in the SMAC like scenarios (even though I'm technically looking for SMAC themed Civ scenarios) section too.