Explain how a post meant to garner sympathy and good vibes for a part of our country going through hell turned into "piss on Calif."?
Also nitpicking the point I was making? Why can't you say a prayer for a man made disaster? I got no idea if prayers or positive thoughts sent make a difference but it certainly doesn't hurt.
I didn't want to go on a diatribe about climate change. I thought the story I linked to went over how climate change has played a major role in this disaster. That is a big point.
In the end I think that the events happening in California are just a precursor to all sorts of different disasters caused by climate change all over the world. It's only going to get worse.
Well, I for one read this post's title and decided to take a look, mostly because I find "praying" to be an over-used sentiment that comes with some baggage... and felt that there would likely be controversy (and therefore, I'm a bit interested lol).
But to answer your question? (about how this led to "piss on Cali" and other negativity:
1) So I suspect "piss on Cali" sentiment you've experienced comes from jerks who have a problem with California because it's a haven of liberal (by US standards) policy (which conservative thinkers find threatening since California is a fairly successful state at a very large scale).
2) Sending prayers is now fully associated with "Being ineffectual" for many who read it, because of the oft used "Thoughts and Prayers" phrasing used by US politicians in response to gun violence... which is of course, completely ineffectual.
3) I personally for example, felt a tinge of dislike for your post, because I actually DO believe that "prayers" actually DO make things worse. I generally believe that optimism leads to greater damage... whilst pessimism (AKA realism) prepares us for the worst and to take action. Prayers also often give people the FEELING that they've done something useful, when in fact, they've done effectively nothing and some people use prayers selfishly excuse themselves from actually acting on a problem. Furthermore, this can be doubly frustrating since prayers carry a religious overtone and a undercurrent of moral superiority.
So for those of us who eschew any particular religion/spirituality, we find it extra annoying to read.
But hey... none of that is reason enough to rake you over the coals and be a jerk to you (or California). I'm sorry you've had a bad experience posting. I hope my response is useful to you, it's not intended as anything else.