Wow that video maker thinks a lot about himself, holy shit- 15 minutes of the start are about NOTHING but his attempts at humor! And that attempt doesn't even leave the ground.
He must be really fun at a party...
Wait I take that back. Just went to the video end and he was STILL AT IT... ugh. What a bore. 32 minutes of stuffed shirt.
To be fair, most of people don't watch his video beacuse of the exploit or flaw in the game he is showing. They go for his dry humour about tea and british stuff. Oh right, you don't get paid if your video is shorter than 10 minutes which is why most people attempting their best to stretch their video out to 10 minutes mark or more.
*He made a new video dubbed as "Unlimited Money Exploit". Another almost 30 minutes where he doing the exactly same damn thing like the first one but now he just duplicate the starbase market module so it skyrocket his economy. If you aren't interested in his humour then I saved your time to watch 27:45 minutes video where it could be done within a minute.