Sorry Mr Booky Boy... but i have spoken to these people who did leave... and yes, they left because their country was in a rather bad way and they were being slaughtered... sorry for using a hypothetical, but if i was NVA, i would be rather mad at the South for bringing in Americans who killed non-discriminately because of the chance any male was in the NVA... which is what the southern (!) vietnamese people have TOLD me... i suppose it is conveniently left out of most of the literature you entertain. Before you attempt to label that as a justification.. it isn't... |
. I see, so you take it as fact that the US just slaughtered all males in Vietnam (which is amazing since the South Vietnamese army was pretty big and full of males) to justify the undeniable fact that the north came down and slaughtered millions of people which caused survivors to flee to where you could talk to them.
If you could just get over your narrow mindedness you would see what is in front of you: Those people had to flee their homeland because the United States left Vietnam. The rest of your statements are just sophistry.
Want to know the dif. between Nazis and NVA? the NVA had no desire for world domination.. they just wanted to unite a country that was seperated by imperial powers. That may be a little over simplified, but it really is as black and white as that. Now please try and tell me that the south weren't interested in unifying. The NVA also weren't interested in 'ethnic cleansing' what a handy fact you decided to ommit. |
Spoken like the perfect indoctrinated drone. So please explain what happened to Cambodia then. You do know about Cambodia right? An Laos?
Do you even know what the goal of Marxist/Leninism was? The spread of communism through violence. These weren't peace protesters here, these were people who conquered another sovereign state.
But let me fill you in a bit about World War II since you apparently aren't very familiar with it. Germany's argument was the same as yours: They just wanted to reunite Germany as it was supposed to be. So first they took over Austria because it was a Germanic state. Then they demanded part of Czech because there were Germans there. Then they wanted the Polish cooridor returned and that was their excuse for invading Poland.
In other words, the difference between Nazi Germany and Communist North Vietnam were remarkably similar. And once they conquered the south, they then set their designs on their neighbors.
Communism isn't just another form of government. I've never understood why you leftists recognize Nazism as being horrible and evil while giving communism a free pass. Communism exterminated more innocent people, by far, than Nazism. But yea, maybe the US should have just minded its own business in Europe too. Heck, maybe the US should have kept its nose out of Asia back in 1940 and let Australia deal with the Japanese on their own.
After all, the Japanese wanted to create the greater east asia co-prosperity sphere. Isn't that nice? And we evil Americans stopped them.
The wanting to "unite" has been used as an excuse for centuries for conquest.
You have a great problem. I dunno, I am going to use the blinded by patriotism argument again, and say that it is us left wingers who care a damn site more than you or your conservatives. We want the killing to stop. We want a good future for our children. Right wingers are eliminating any chance of a secure future for our children... in spite of their professions that they are creating a secure world without terrorists. I am sorry, but i find that idea laughable. |
You want the killing to stop? Since when? You only seem interested in stopping US action. Action that generally results in saving millions of lives over the long run. During the gold war, people like you protested everything the US did even while Communism was exterminating millions of its own citizens in extermination camps. People like you thought Ronald Reagan was a monster even as his policies helped end communism and free millions of people.
It has been people with belief such as mine that have actually put a stop to killing by dealing with the world in a rational manner. Because people like you convinced the US government to abandon Vietnam, millions of Vietnamese died in the aftermath. Millions of people in Cambodia were then exterminated as well. Where were the protests then? Where were the protests to stop Pol Pot? People like you carry signs calling our President "Hitler" while real-live evil fascists actually do horrible things. Oh no, the US might put an end to Saddam's reign of terror and 10,000 civilians may die in the process so the US has to be "stopped" but you'll turn a blind eye to someone like Saddam who has murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people, often in cruel and gruesome ways.
'If North Vietnam with their Soviet backing were allowed to conquer the south they would then go on and take over other countries in the region and murder millions in the process'
That is a well founded generalisation/assumption - but an assumption none the less. By the same token, i would assume that a lot of Asian nations would have been angry at the Russians, and they would have found themselves having problems in Asia that would have caused problems sustaining their forces in M.E and eastern Europe... man that is a stupid assumption if ever i saw one... lesson here... dont assume. |
Good god, are you really this dense? The domino theory was proven correcty by what actually happened. Hello? US leaves South Vietnam and millions are murdered by North Vietnam. Communists take over in Cambodia and millions more die. Which part of this "generalization" do you not get? It isn't a theory, it actually happened. What's next? Holocaust denial?
It's all part of the same pathology. For some reason, leftists know exactly how many died in the holocaust (12 million btw) but have no clue how many millions died due to Communish (1.7 million in Cambodia alone). And because they're so blinded by their anti-US position, they can't recognize that it wasn't really the US who lost in Vietnam. It was the people of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and elsewhere who lost -- their lives, their homes, their families. Though somehow I'm sure you'll find some twisted way to make even that our fault. BTW, China murdered millions of its own people during the same time. Was that our fault too? Seriously, given that we live in an age where people like you blame the weather on the United States it's hard to tell where you draw the line on assigning blame.
For an uneducated fool... i am rather happy with myself right now.
Well, that's what they say, ignorance is bliss.