Edit:, after closing and reopening the page it let me download for free.
Damn scammers! They talked about a free service!
Hmm... In the Firefox, it doesn't ask for a credit card... Anyway I'm sorry.
So I decided to post the fixed code here to bypass any uploads/downloads.
1. The part of Function from DesktopX.ScriptObject ("weather_location") (it searches for a TWC weather code by Location Name):
Function Object_OnLButtonUp(x,y,dragged)
If dragged = False Then
x = DesktopX.ScriptObject("weather_image").location
'If IsNumeric(x) = False Then x = Object.Text
x = InputBox("Please enter the zip code or location that you would like to display the weather for:" & vbNewLine & "e.g. 48152 or York,England", "Select location ...", x)
If IsNumeric(x) = False Then
Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
str_RANDOM_URL="&rnd=" & rnd() '<--- HERE IS YOUR FIX --->
http.Open "GET", "http://wxdata.weather.com/wxdata/search/search?where=" & x, False
http.send ""
' Store data in a string ..........................................................................................................................................................................
End Function
As you see, we have already dealt with this Function.
2. The part of Subroutine from DesktopX.ScriptObject ("weather_image") (it retrieves and analyzes the weather data):
Sub Object_OnTimer6001
If location <> "" And location <> "Not found" Then
If System.InternetConnected Then
On Error Resume Next
' Create a web object
Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
' Retrieve data
str_RANDOM_URL = "&rnd=" & rnd()
If tempunit = "m" Then
str_UNITS = "&unit=m"
str_UNITS = "&unit=s"
End If '<--- HERE IS YOUR FIX --->
http.Open "GET", "http://wxdata.weather.com/wxdata/weather/local/" & location & "?cc=*&dayf=5" & str_UNITS & str_RANDOM_URL, False
http.send ""
' Store data in a string.............................................................................................................................................
End Sub
That's all. Just change these two lines in your code and any widget received data from weather.com will work without errors.
Good luck and Happy Coding