[Obligatory Praise] Enjoyed my weekend diving into this game. All the feels of SC2 with modern polish and love
. I have some suggestion for quality of life improvements:
Inventory Management: Add the ability to Split Stacks. Spoiler Free: There are some resources you will need to complete side objectives for this game. However, when you sell items, you only have the option to sell the whole stack. These means holding onto said resource until you backtrack to the objective. We should have the option to split off 1 or a few resources to store for later backtracking.
Inventory Mangement: Option to trash minerals, drone parts, critter meat, etc from Cargo Hold. Early game, if you don't find a trader for certain items, you are stuck with them and they become a profit sink for the early portion of the game. Also, when exploring you may find a treasure trove of minerals on a planet, but your hold is filled with 1 RU worth minerals. The player would want to be able to junk the 1 RU level units to make room.
Mouse Highlighting: In systems, when we hover over a planet / moon, we should be able to see the name. Currently can only see names of celestial bodies by getting close enough to them, and only one at a time! Please, please, please make the cursor more functional.
Keybinding Mapping: Please add the ability to replace the ESCAPE key. The BACK functionality covers it, somewhat, but when on planets, using keyboard, there is no option to change the default key to escape the planet / return to ship. Escape Key is the only option.
Suggestion: Labels on map / planets. When exploring a strange universe, it'd be nice to have someway to put a note / label on interesting systems & planets that you want to return to. Currently writing up a Notepad list of planets and stuff to revisit, but it's 2018, and a r-click Label would be really useful (particularly once more user created content starts coming into the game).