A lot of the time there's a big push at the end to get over the top. Don't give up hope!
Am trying not to Brad, but as each day goes by it gets worse and worse.. 5 days to go and STILL not even half way.
Guessing the folks at HumaNature don't have quite the marketing reach you guys have here lol, in fact judging by the fig comments section there's no marketing and it's just one of the Dev's (Anthony) trying to get the word out and not having much luck. There are thousands of Starflight fans out there who have no idea about this sequel as next to none of the mainstream media (other than PC Gamer) have covered it last time I checked. Without them it's doomed as not enough people know about it. 
I've tweeted RetroGamer Mag, Mashable, Gamespot, IGN, GamesRadar, Polygon, Forbes Gaming, Kotaku, and Rock Paper Shotgun about SF3. Got nothing which was to be expected as I'm just some guy on the internet. I have no reach or influence and most of the young hip reporters working at these sites have probably never even heard of Starflight lol.
I've posted in a lot of forums too and have got some great excited responses from fan's who sure enough didn't know about it but I also keep seeing the same complaints from people:
1 – “I don’t know fig, I know trust fig!”
Forcing me to explain why fig is a good thing, show them the wiki page and the well known and respected people behind it etc. But some still don’t want a bar of it. “Tim Shafer made it so he can break all the rules and fund his own games, so no thanks” was one I got the other day *sigh*.
2 – “Why is the first physical copy tier so high?”
I did warn them about this before they went public lol. I explain that you can now add the game for 40 USD to a pledge but then I get “I’m not pledging to get an addon I can’t see beforehand”. Arrgh..
2 – “Why have they asked for a large amount in such a short amount of time?”
I don’t have a defense to that so I just explain that plenty of other games have asked for more and hopefully they’ll be an extension even though they've said they’re wont be as the're not allowed to. 
Apparently Tim Shafer's Psychonauts 2 was the only game that got an extension on Fig which might be the rule breaking that Fig hater was referring to lol.
I've pointed out these issues to Anthony and others have been doing the same in the Fig comments but it all seems too late now. Such a shame.