Since it had been a while, I decided to take the current version of Brave for another spin. Remains lightning fast, very noticeably faster than FFQ and Opera. Far and away the best at rendering & sizing window content of all the sites I regularly visit/use, and I mean flawlessly, with one ironic exception: JU - the Quick Reply dialog will simply not appear (I'm back on Opera for this, obviously) despite lots of hunting around in settings for something that might let it show up.
The other really strange thing, which I would have thought was part of 'Browser 101', damn near code line 1, is that it won't remember its window position & size on close - it always opens at a fixed size in the center of the screen no matter where & what size you left it. I don't remember that being the case when I tried it before.
Really a shame those nagging defects remain or it would be the slam dunk best daily driver. The thing that had previously been the showstopper for me, on the other hand, appears to be fixed: it now handles PDF's in the browser just fine. Go figure. LastPass integration is seamless now, as well.