I took a break from this game around patch 2.4, however I did continue to keep the mod upto date for a few patches after this break, upto patch 2.7 you can find that mod HERE. I have not play tested this to see if it actually works as intended with these patch or any patches there after. I am fairly sure it will be broken with the 3.0 patch.
I have recently (last week or so) started up the game to try out the 3.0 patch. Yet again I find myself frustrated with the way changes under the hood are made to the game but the UI Information is not changed (Something I do not understand one bit if im honest, you change something, change it ALL). For example, Ideologies have been rebalanced but the actuall Ideology text is still the same, this also applies to Colonization events, Precursor worlds DLC and Lost Treasures DLC. Miss information really really get on my nerves, so I find myself "fixing" this and not actually playing. One of the causes for me to take a break. (Why should I fix something the Dev team should be doing as they make changes?)
If, and atm it is a big if, I decide to come back to this game and invest 100's of more hours gameplay and modding time, I will be hosting my Mods over at CivFanatics.
The Download link provided above includes the Mod Project file for ModBuddy (Civ5 Toolkit) which is what I used/use to build all my mods. I have provided this incase any other modders/tinkerers wish to have easy access to mod/change/fix said mod.
Regards, Horem.