Climate change is just a magicians distraction to take our attention
It's a money grab. When has anyone of any political persuasion ever seen the number of politicians, that never care about anything that wasn't making them money, so involved in anything since Climate Change? I'll tell you. It's the perfect crime. They can suck billions of dollars of taxpayer money over years without ever producing any evidence of any scheme working. Who is going to be around in 100 years to hold them to the .2% of 1 degree change in temperature? They smell blood in the water, and the liberal/progressive lemmings are jumping in feet first. The climate changed before man, and will after man is gone. Yes, let's do try and keep the planet clean. That's sound thinking, but CO2? A gas of life for plants on earth (no plants, then no animals). We aren't even close to the highest levels of CO2 on this planet has seen.
But tornados, hurricanes, and wildfires their killing more and more each year, right? Wrong, yes more people are affected because there are more people. The 1970 US census have the US population at 203,392,031, that's 120+ million less people than today. So where are these people at? Fly over country where the tornado's are. The southern and east coasts where hurricanes are, and dryer areas of California where wildfires occur.
You better bet that if solar ever becomes dominate as a power source, there will be a sun tax. They try to get you in by saying how you can sell excess power back to the utilities (some places are all ready blocking this) an that is true, now. They will find some way to get you to pay a monthly fee for it. Remember when internet was $19 a month (or less Juno), sure it was dial-up broad band was $25. Today I pay $70 for cable internet, and those companies are making money hand over fist. They could charge $25 and still make money. The Electric companies won't let you off the hook either n matter what natural resource is used.
If liberals want to feel good about themselves, give up your car and electrical devices, and plant a tree. It will do much more than giving money to the government.