Thanks for these maps; I really wanted some new ones specifically for skirmish which is all I play. And for that, to survive against high-level AI, I need defensible chokepoints to turtle behind until I can build up enough to attack. Several of these fit the bill well.
A couple notes, which may be particular to my system. Win 10; NVida GPU, Ashes v2.76.52940:
1) On all the DF maps I've tried, most bare resource nodes do not show as white dots in the zoomed-out views. On native maps I can zoom-out and see quickly which ones still need extractors, but on these DF maps the only visible bare ones are those by the Nexus.
2) The Round-In map has a vertical black bar right through the map on the left side. Seems like textures aren't appearing.
Here an image showing both issues:
Ashes Round In issues