Why these claims are preposterous! Our survey ship never found precursor artifacts which were used to speed up our weapons research by decades, I have no idea why you would think that. The only artifact we did find was inside your political borders but it is not, as you claim,a racial heirloom and even if it was itis on display in a museum on our home world feel free to visit any time you like.
The T.S.S. Battle-axe warship was recovered from pirates and while it may appear to have a profile similar to a missing ship from your navy, our engineers assuredme that none of the components originated from your shipyards. I am afraid I cannot let you see the engineer report as it has sensitive information, but we will waive the fee for killing those pesky pirates that plagued your trade lanes.
As to the claim that we recovered tens of thousands of BC worth of goods from various anoma!ies in and around your Western border, that is completely without merit. It was ten or fifteen BC tops but just to make you feel better we are prepared to split that amount with you 60-40.