(Im talking about galactic civ 3 without DLCs) (government settings are normal 33% to everything and 50/50 production)
Maybe i get it wrong or do something wrong but i think the thalan tech tree is stronger than the others.
I have easily an production/researchment/income of 600/600/~60 on my home planet after ~150 rounds I pretty much rush the buildings for production and research in the tech tree and go for merciless idealogy so i have the boni from "Motivation".
If i play Drengin tech tree i get close to that amount but the other factions are not even close. (look pictures below)
So my problem is that as thalan i have 2 buildings increasing my raw-production by percentage (Hive and Gaia-Vortex) or 3 with the merciless ideology. Thalans even have super good researchment buildungs. I searched for a balance in other factions especially as Yor but they have no way to have the same or nearly same raw-production (the Matrix is shit compared to the gaia-vortex + there is no alternate for the hive).
My question is is there something else the Yor for example have as a balance ? Or is the Thalan tech tree rly the strongest. because i didnt see anything in Yor techtree. Their weapons are just normal they production is not that good diplomacy is also not that good and construction is normal too.
I played a lot Drengin/thalan/Yor and Yor are waaaay to weak (and im sure the others are also too weak, but i didnt test them a lot)
Where is the blance ? Because high raw production always leads to high researchment and that leads to better everything. Or is it the "Death-furnaces" that is too op ? but then the other ideologys are too weak. But still 2 buildings increasing the raw production in precentage which are not avaible for other tech trees. Or is it like Yor need a lot planets to be good......
Things that only Thalans (tech tree) have/can:
-2 Raw Production (by percentage and without) buildungs
-High capacity researchments for ships
-Very good Research building (hyperion matrix)
-Most terraforming tools especially 2 for that fit in every tile
[After 125 Rounds (class 15 +25% food/population - start planet), after some more rounds i reached 1200/1200/140] Thalan tech

[166 Rounds (class 16 start planet)] Thalan tech

[230 Rounds (class 15 +25% food/population) around the same tech level than the others] Terran tech

[210 Rounds (class 16 start planet) same tech level] Yor tech