1- Give the game AI the option of breaking up into 2, 3 or 4 different governments
Interesting idea but i question its utility. At the point where this would happen, the 2,3,4 factions would be so weak they would be meaningless. It would also require spawning 2-4 different new factions which seems problematic.
2- I'm pretty sure that someone suggested the idea of allowing minor races to join your empire voluntarily during one of the dev streams - a really great idea which I think should be added. On top of that - how about if you could 'liberate' a minor race if they have been conquered by someone else. So you would launch a planetary invasion as normal, and if you win, instead of gaining the planet yourself it brings back the minor race?
Don't like the first idea but really like the second. Likewise #3 would be really cool and one would assume it would come with really good diplomatic bonuses. They would be so grateful to give you techs, $ & maybe even a starbase or planet
4- We'll be back! What if a previously defeated civilisation could return to the game under the right conditions? Here's an example - The Drengin defeated the Krynn several game weeks/months ago, but a number of former Krynn worlds have very low approval ratings.
Like this one too. From Brad discussions we will see something like this in an expansion.
Good ideas, kep 'em coming