Hey guys 
If there's any Elemental/Fallen Enchantress fans here who loved playing Master of Magic (the game that inspired the Elemental series) back in the day then I could use your help.
Long story short about eight months ago I re-installed MoM in Dosbox and loaded my old savegames from 1998 and picked up right where I left off conquering Myrran and then invading the earth like world. I spent a lot of my teenage years in the 90s playing MoM so it was so much fun to play it again all these years later. When I finally finished my game I decided to make a tribute page on my retro website paying tribute to MoM along with listing the great many successful & sadly unsuccessful MoM related fan remake/sequel projects out there to make sure that they are never forgotten and can inspire talented MoM fans to create new MoM projects in the future. I also created a list of other games out there that are similar to MoM as there are many spiritual sequels these days (obviously Elemental/Fallen Enchantress made the list!). For these lists I collected pics, vids, demos, and information for as many of them as possible. I could use some help from the community with this list as I'm sure there's more I don't know about. This is my latest summary of the website list below.
(Note: Originally built in 2001 this website is still deliberately very late 90s early 2000s retro in design. So if you’re not nostalgic for old retro websites with music, animating gifs & left click browsing then you probably won’t like it)

Master of Magic Legacy Games list (Updated 10/11/2021) :
Official MoM Games
- Master of Magic
- Civizard - Majutsu no Keifu (Official Japanese Playstation conversion of MoM)
- Caster of Magic I & II
- Master of Magic Remake (New official remake coming in 2022!)
Very Similar Games
- Age of Wonders Series
- Master of Magic Civ2 Fantastic Worlds Scenario
- Worlds of Magic / Planar Conquest
- Elemental / Fallen Enchantress / Sorcerer King Series
- Endless Legend
- Warlock Series
- Eador Series
- Deity Empires
Similar Games
- War Barons
- Last Days of Old Earth
- Armello
- Thea: The Awakening
- Dominions Series
- Conquest of Elysium Series
Sort of Similar Games
- Lords of Magic - Special Edition
- Heroes of Annihilated Empires
- Celtic Tales - Balor of the Evil Eye
- Heroes of Might & Magic Series
- Disciples Series
- Warlords Series
Fan Games/Mods
- Master of Magic - Implode's Multiplayer Edition (HD)
- Leylines
- Caster of Magic I & II
- Master of Myrror - Civ3 Conquests Mod
- Master of Mana - Civ4 BTS Mod
- Realms of Hope
- Xarvh
- Master of Magic The Resurrection
- Magic Master Project
- Magic Master Java Shell
- Master of Magic Clone
- Master of Magic .NET
- Master of Magic Restoration
- Age of Magic
- Re-Master of Magic
- Master of Magic Java Emulator
- Taranthor's Master of Magic - Civ 3 Mod
- MoM 32
- Master of Magic Spin-off Project
If you know of a game series I've missed that's very similar to MoM, a fan game based on MoM, or a large scale mod project related to MoM please let me know! 
Blake's Sanctum:- Total Conversion mods: Star Trek Doom 2, & Star Wars Civilization 2
- Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Fan Games, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer, Heroes of Might & Magic,
Master of Magic, Quest for Glory Series, Starflight, & Star Trek Games
- Movie & TV Shrines: Lord Of The Rings & Hobbit, & Star Trek
- Emulation