Here's some impressions from a dev demo.
"The plan with the reboot is to make the UI more intuitive and fresh for modern gamers, but the game will still maintain its complexity for those who played and loved the originals."
"The original six races will be making a return to the world, the Alkarr, Mrrshan, Human, Sakaka, Bulrathi and the Darlok, meaning fans who enjoyed playing as one of them can take up the battle again, but there will be new races, such as the Silons, if players want a different challenge. Each of the races has an advantage over another, but also a weakness against another one, so it's critical to pick your race to suit your playstyle."
"When you look at how you can win, there are 5 paths to victory, Excellence, Conquest, Technological, Economic and Diplomatic, with each path offering up challenges, it is possible to win using all 5 at once, something that will test even the most hardcore of players."
"Once we left our own space, we found ourselves to be blocked by a Star Base, a large ship capable of blocking the wormholes used for travel, it was owned by the Silons, so an agreement was met, in exchange for us using their Star Bases to move around, they could use ours, it worked out this time, but had our actions been different before that point, we might not have been able to reach that agreement. Another such action could have been to declare war, which could have resulted in us winning or losing."