^^ Larsenex pretty much sums it up for me, but better stated as always.
I have to agree about Civ V. I was really looking forward to it and it stunk so bad that I shelved it for a couple of years. Then when "Gods and Kings" and "Brave New World" came out, I said THERE is what I have been missing. Looked up the reviews (both pro and users) and got them on sale. It was awesome! I have played the hell out of it ever since.
Back to GalCiv
Really, I would like to see no tech trading or brokering option be EXCEPT techs can be used in a peace treaty. That would be interesting! Perhaps you have a chance of getting a bonus on research of a tech you don't know if you take over a planet? Add capturing ships and getting a tech bonus on things you don't have (like weapons, engines, defenses, etc.) depending on damage. Capturing enemy equipment has always been a major boost. You get to see the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy units. There is a reason the US capturing a nearly intact Zero in WWII helped develop the F6F Hellcat.
Diplomacy, Strategic AI, building AI and ideology need another pass. The AI is getting better and I know they said they were looking at Diplomacy and Ideology changes (other ways to get ideology points). They desperately need password protection for MP games as well. I look forward to 1.03 and 1.1.
I would like to see the AI bribe other factions to do a DoW on me. Then it will be interesting if I do it to them.
I would like to see the game start with a "cold" war. If no one is in an area of influence, then shots can and while be traded.
Non-aggression pacts would then stop this. Perhaps a UP resolution for galaxy wide.
Then open borders. (I know it is there, I am saying you have to have non-aggression first.)
Perhaps free trade after that.
Perhaps for now I will make teams of AI. Drengin and Yor or Krynn. Terran and Altarian, etc. That would leave me odd man out if I feel so inclined.
I like that they are adding random factions in 1.3. However, I would say ever game ever with this feature needs a "but not these factions". At least let me choose a list of factions for the random selection to come from so I can cull the worst ones.
Don't get me wrong, the game is MUCH better than most games when they come out. (That is the way of things lately, games rarely come out spot on) It needs some love, and they are giving it. Unlike Total War or CIV, Stardock kicks out updates fast and furious. Some use that against them to say "See, it was not ready!". Hell, would you rather wait until an expansion 6 months or a year later to get the improvements? Look at Beyond Earth! I don't mean to bash Firaxis, but as that is a house I respected but lately they have let me down enough to just wait for a year or more to buy.
I don't feel that way here. Maybe I am naive. I LIKE that they are constantly improving it. I LIKE that the Lead Developer and the CEO come on the forums and say what is going on.
Look at Blood Bowl 2. It was supposed to be released last weekend and now it is "June" and they aren't saying a thing.
So yes, there is work to do as Larsenex and I said, but we (well, I think I can speak for you bud, I see you one the forums all the time. If not, feel free to say this guy is nuts!) still like to play it.