How does the game handle having all of these ? As I would like to keep Gauntlets abilities and expanded use of 4 abilities instead of 2. But Horem has added abilities of his own. I noticed the Cybernetic ability seemed to be different. The GRM version said you had access to certain techs for those who did not fear... then I notice a range bonus instead with the UCP version.
1-GRM AbilityDefs
Newbie questions perhaps, but when I get a good understanding of all this , I may be able to contribute to the community rather than asking questions.
I need to understand why you can name an entry with a 1-GRM and the program knows what to do with it. As a former programmer I would assume an error because the program would be looking for a specific name and would either ignore it or give a syntax error.
If folder names do not matter then I could name it XXXX and the program would use it hence I would assume the names of the folders are for our sake since the program goes through each entry line by line. is that the case ? So essentially a mod could all be combined into one folder named GRM with no separate folders for anomalies, governance etc
if I add UCP_AbilityDefs to the GRM game folder with 1-GRM AbilityDefs , will the program pick up all the abilities or do i have to combine files by editing the xml ?
and which file do I edit the number of abilities allowed ? I would like to fix this to 4.
is there a good tutorial because I found the ones online to be insufficient to explain these things,at least for me
a quick review of the methods from an expert would be of great help to me.
detailed explanations will enable me and hopefully others to manipulate these files with no trouble.